Why do we miss people? Why is it that our souls cry out and ache for someone to be near us? Their smile? The way you feel with them near? The contentedness that settles in your soul knowing they are near? Parts of your being follow them wherever they may be and an empty hole reaches into the crevace of our being and an ache, a need for that person strangles our gut when our minds drift to them. Maybe it's the silent communication, when they know what's bugging you before anyone else, maybe that's what we long for. Perhaps you feel the emptiness without their touch. The constant feeling that they are close to you, but too far away. And your heart rips in two. You need them, want them, hope for them. And secretly you dream about them coming for you. And for a moment, you feel a gentle touch. But it hastens away.
The missing and longing is human. It's a tragic human experience that creates endless tears and an endless longing that cannot be subdued. Dreams haunt you, reminders of the way life felt with them near. And you wake. And ever so softly the awareness gently surfaces that once again they are gone and you are with out them. And you sigh. Alone.